Winter Blues Concurred by Blooms

Books, Crafts, and Plants

Winter Blues Concurred by Blooms

January 9, 2023 Fruits Gardening 0

Winter is tough! It’s cold. Not much sunshine. When it rains, there is even less sunshine. Seasonal depression is real. I bought a lime tree… I don’t know when. It was warm in the sun and cool in the shadows the wind was nice in the sun and frigid in the shade. For months the tree has been stagnant – no growth of any kind. Saw a TikTok where it was recommended to soak banana peels in water and feed said banana water to the plants. I did. It loved it!!

I wasn’t expecting much to happen. I gave it enough that the saucer below it had some standing water. Checked on it a few days later and found these little buds! The joy it brought me!! I took this picture and sent to my friends immediately. I did an inner happy dance and saw the saucer was dry and filled it up again with regular water.

Even more blooms showed up. More joy, more photos, more dancing, more water, and now I’m curious. Do limes need help turning from blooms to fruit? YouTube says, if they are indoors or tight to the house with little wind or few pollinating friends, then yes, they need help. The video said to use a brush or shimmy the tree. I’ve been doing both (overachiever or too new to the game, you choose).

TikTok says to use banana water every month or so. It’s been a few weeks since the banana water. Today, at the store I got a few bananas so I can water the plants again with banana water in the next week or so.

Seeing the growth and the blooms and buds and the changes has been so fun. It really has chased some of the sad clouds away. Even a little sun ray can make the day a little more tolerable. Counting the little nubs is exciting because if all I get is a flower that dies, the flower is still beautiful and brings joy and oxygen.

The bananas are tasty and when it’s all used up, tossed into the compost (literally a pile near the house). Nothing fancy.


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